Land donated

August 22nd 2020. At Rionde village in Ogembo sub county of Kisii county. This is brother Edward and his dear wife. They have donated free land to build a church in this village. Pray for this wonderful and God fearing family. I’m trusting God for finances to build a church before December 2020. Thanks for your prayers.

Nyabigege village church

August 23rd, 2020. New church planted today on Sunday at Nyabigege village in Kisii county. These are Kisii people ( tribe). 30 believers attended this opening service. I’m trusting God for finances to build a church before December 2020, God willing. Your prayers are needed and appreciated so much. God is good and faithful. Thanks for your prayers and me and ministry. God bless you. Pray for Pastor Josephat Nguti and his family. I have appointed him to be County Overseer. Glory to God.

New church planted at Rionde village

August 22nd, 2020. New church planted at Rionde village in Ogembo sub county of Kisii county – 250 kilometers from Kitale. More churches to be planted in Ogembo sub county. Pray for Pastor Josepgat Nguti and family and ministry for favour. These are Kisii people ( Tribe). Thanks so much for your prayers for the ministry. God bless you richly. Kisii For Jesus!!

arrived in Kisii

Thanks so much for your prayers. I arrived in Kisii town well (150 miles from Kitale). Our mission is to plant two churches, by his grace. Thanks so much for your prayers for me and ministry. God bless you for standing with the work of God. We are winning souls to Christ. Amen.

blessings from above

August 16, 2020. On my way home from church ( Misikhu location ) , at Kamukuywa market, I met my spiritual son, Bishop Bernard Khaoya. Praise the Lord. He bought for me and family – Tomatoes, Onions and Bananas. My son Bishop Benard Khaoya I’m so thankful and appreciate you so much. Thanks for good work of kingdom you are doing. Keep on preaching the gospel of Christ. I love you and praying for you, family and ministry.

Christ Alive ministries

August 16, 2020. At Christ Alive ministries ( Bishop Justus Wafula ). He is now 30 years in ministry. At misikhu location. Hardworking and faithful to the calling of God in his life. Please pray for him, his family and ministry. I recommend him highly in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen