Church building

September 2nd, 2020. Dear brethren in Christ – Let us use our hands to build the kingdom of God. Let us work now, for night cometh when no man can work. Do your part. Be effective in spreading the gospel of Christ. Redeem the time. God bless you as you serve God and his people.

Lokichar Church need

Lokichar Church in Turkana county ( Kenya) – Please pray for church construction for this church soon. I’m trusting God for a financial miracle. Our God is able. Thanks so much for your prayers. God is good and faithful. Pray and listen to his Spirit as He leads. Amen.

Chairs in South Sudan

Feb/march 2020. A big miracle in Kokoro village in South Sudan. They sat on chairs for first time in their lives ( since they were born). Please pray and help us buy more chairs in other villages in South Sudan. Your prayers are needed and appreciated so much. I will be travelling back to
South Sudan, as the President reopens the Kenya / South Sudan border. Unity is strength. United we will win thousands of souls to Christ. God bless you.