Bishop Makona Academy

Towards the end of 2013 I walked around in Kinyoro location visiting many poor families.  There I saw many children at home just playing, many in situations of child labor, many smoking, drinking alcohol etc. When I spoke to the parents of the children they said that they live on a very small income which does not enable them to feed, educate or provide the needs of the family.  At night I prayed about this matter and asked God how I could help these poor children to have an education so that they can help support their families and be beneficial to the community, nation and world.

Bishop Makona Academy children
Bishop Makona Academy children

On January 5, 2014 the Lord led me to start an elementary school – from kindergarten to grade 7 with 120 orphans and poor children.  At the beginning of 2015 we opened the eighth grade with 25 pupils.  Now (year 2015) we have 260 pupils at the school.  20 orphans live at the school (boarders) and over 100 other orphans and poor children come to school in the morning at 7:30 AM and return home at 5 PM. We give them a free meal at lunchtime. 15 teachers have volunteered to keep these pupils. The teachers have families who depend on them. They need a permanent job to earn a salary. Sometimes I get them $10 or $15 dollars a month.

Teachers of Bishop Makona Academy
Teachers of Bishop Makona Academy

Pray for these needs:

  • Pray for more desks. Many sit on stones and on the dusty floor.
  • Pray for more textbooks and teachers guide books, stationary etc..
  • Pray for three new classrooms, kitchen, administration room.
  • Pray for resources for a feeding program and teachers monthly salary
  • Pray for the minibus for the school.