New Church planting

Bro. Robert Makona planting a new church at Lavington, Kenya. Sunday, September 29th 2019. Many delivered from generational curses. Thanks for your prayers and support. Glory to God. Hallelujah!!

Prophetic word

This was a prophetic word given by Brother Makona Aug 18, 2019:

Things are changing very rapidly in this season, so much so I feel like this is a key season for the body of Christ. The changes that are taking place are for kingdom advancement. People who listen to God in this season are about to take incredible advancements. Your steps of faith will be like stepping on the water of the impossible, but as you step God will not allow your feet to slip or you to fall. Your advancement will be rapid and it will be extremely noticeable. Draw yourself nigh to God in this season. Great things are about to happen. Amen.

We will break stigmas and we will be a prophetic sign for the new era that we are in. The Lord is causing us to go beyond our boundaries and to step upon our enemies territories. It is time for us to cross over and to conquer the realm of the unknown. Stand as a warrior in Christ Jesus.

Webuye church – April 2019.

Below, Bro Robert is seen preaching at Webuye Church in Webuye, Kenya. Webuye is just Southwest of Kitale, Kenya headquarters to World Revival and Salvation Ministries

Webuye, previously named Broderick Falls, is an industrial town in Bungoma County, Kenya. Located on the main road to Uganda, the town is home to the Pan African Paper Mills, the largest paper factory in the region, as well as a number of heavy-chemical and sugar manufacturers(from Wikipedia)

Revival meetings in Bujumbura city, Burundi

The images below are of Brother Robert Makona ministering 3 days of revival in Bujumbura city, Burundi. The revival was held in September 2017. Burundi is a small African country that borders Ruwanda to the south and Tanzania to the East and the Democratic Republic of Congo to the west. Brother Robert has, by the grace of God established about 500 churches in a number of countries around Kenya. He is presently pushing forward in South Sudan.