Bro. Robert Makona loading building materials for South Sudan

January 19, 2020: Bro. Robert Makona loading building materials on two hired vehicles in Lokichoggio, Kenyan. The materials will be transported out on Monday the 20th of January to Korkor village in South Sudan. Pray for journey mercies. Next Sunday, the South Sudanese brethren will be singing, dancing and worshipping God in a new build church. God is good at all times. Thanks for your friendship and prayers.


Bro. Robert Makona seen here resting in Lokichoggio, Kenya near the South Sudan border, after hard work of pulling the vehicle several miles from a remote village where it broke down. Purchasing parts in Kitale requires a 514 Kilometer trip from Lokichoggi. It will take two days to receive new parts. Thank you for your prayers.

Bishop Makona Academy Graduation

On October 25th , 2019 a graduation ceremony was held at Bishop Makona Academy. Thirty nine students will graduate to first grade in January 2020. In theses pictures:

  • 1. Manager and Teachers receiving merit letters.
  • 2. Students receiving the certificates.
  • 3. Local community members who attended.
  • 4. School Scouts raising naional flag.
  • 5. Students entertaining guests.
  • 6. Mr. Kandie the CASO of kinyoro Zone addressing guests.
  • 7. Bro. Makona has director addressing guests.
  • Bishop Makona academy students are performaning well in national examinations and sports. Teachers are doing good work, moulding future leaders.

Five churches assembled Lavington Revival center

Bro. Robert Makona – Today Sunday of November 3rd 2019 (second service) . At Lavington Revival Center we assembled 5 churches together.
1. Lavington R. Center
2. Kitale R. Center
3. Matisi church
4. Rafiki B. Church
5. Gatua Church.
The Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way, and may were touched and blessed and encouraged in the Lord. Thanks for your prayers for this God ordained ministry.