More food distribution

Kenya : Bro. Robert Makona — Distributing free food to flood victims in another location. Even widows were included. More relief food for the next three months. Your prayers are really needed and appreciated so much. They are very grateful. God bless you.

Food distribution in kenya

Friday – May 15th, 2020 — Bro. Robert Makona distributing free food to flood victims because of heavy rains. Victims and widows benefited. Over 100 poor people were turned away because , their were so many people who came to look for food. They need more food, household items, clothes etc. Thanks for your prayers.

More flooding in Kenya

Heavy Rains — Floods are affecting hundreds of our church members in many parts in Kenya. Others are using tractors to move to safer places near schools. Please pray for them for food, shelter, etc.

Update on flooding: From Kenya — over 220 deaths because of floods in Kenya. Many of our church members have been affected by this worst floods. They have lost household items, food, clothings, etc. Some are moved to stay in nearby schools. Request for your prayers and any financial support to help them in this time of great need.

Flooding in kenya

May 2nd, 2020 — Very heavy rainfall in Trans Nzoia County. In these pictures from Pastor Boaz Nyongesa of World revival and salvation ministries —- Birunda ( Bondeni ) village. Floods have destroyed crops, houses, household goods, food etc. Please pray for affected families. Six families are our church members. 5 hours it is still raining heavily.

Food shortage in South Sudan

South Sudan + Lopua village. There is shortage of food in this village. Many people are starving, especially children. In this pictures you can see these children have hunted RATS in the jungle. This is the food they have for that day I met them. I appeal for your prayers and financially support. Remember the words of Jesus – When I was hungry you fed me. Love never fails. Please pray and listen to the Spirit of God. God loves them. We can save their lives.

Meeting with S. sudan county commissioner

South Sudan – The Narus county commissioner Hon. Justin Juma welcomed us in his office. He thanked our team for spreading the gospel, helping the people. He asked us to pray for South Sudan always. He said we are most welcome and free to spread the gospel in every corner of the country. The door is open. God’s FAVOR.

Kitale street Boys

Because of govt guidelines, orders and curfew in Kenya, all hotels in town are closed. A few hawkers are on the streets but many buyers and business people are out of town. There is no food for street Boys.
Today I have fed them lunch but they don’t know where they will find super later tonight. The Street Boys are facing many challenges. They need prayers and help. Greatest need is FOOD.