
Our vision is to bring millions to the gospel and salvation in Africa and beyond.

Our purpose is to fulfill the Lord’s great commission and in doing so, bringing all to the revelation of a Holy Spirit lead life of faith in the word of God the Father of Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to:

Plant many new churches in both urban and rural Africa and elsewhere
Train leaders and believers in bible schools the way of the word of God
Build and maintain orphanages and widow shelters for those in need
Develop medical trainings centers and hospitals for God’s glory
Reach out to the lost through the preaching of the gospel at crusades
Deepen our knowledge God’s word through Holy Spirit lead conferences
Establish and expand ministries for women, youth and children
Feed God’s word to millions with bibles, tracts and the teachings of Christ in libraries and schools


Kenya, Africa
International Headquarters of WRSM in Kitale, Kenya